
bewilder IS A regenerative business incubator

A circular economic strategy in Asia Pacific, funded by ICT Oceania and friends.


Earth's dead zones have quadrupled since 1950. To exist, we require a biodiverse, fertile and clean ecosystem.

See our Sanctuary Strategy


Finite resource extraction causes 90% of global biodiversity loss. Yet, regenerative cycles are limitless.

Learn ABOUT THE Enterprise Program


By displacing people from natural ecosystems, our species is deprived of a functioning sanctuary and optimal wellbeing.


We actualise regenerative economics with guardians of Earth’s wildest places.


The cultivation of ecological wealth can and should be financially profitable.

A fertile cycle

Safeguarding Earth's vital phenomena requires a private industry approach, within a circular economic framework.

Vital Ventures™

Experiential education, remote enterprise training and events. Made possible by ICT Oceania PTY LTD. digital business clients, government partners, industry sponsors and participants.

The purpose of BEWILDER Vital Ventures is to equip rural community leaders with technical knowledge, enterprise resources and global market opportunities to operate a business that safeguards Earth's biosphere.

By uniting disparate cultures in ecologically rich environments with a technical business agenda, viable regenerative solutions can be conceived.

We address global socioeconomic priorities through strategic business, from a grassroots village approach.

Our programs are off-grid, lead by seasonal phenomena and the priorities of community partners - not dictated by a marketing calendar or sales KPI's.

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