Raison d'Être

Why we exist


Earth's dead zones have quadrupled since 1950. To live, we require a biodiverse, fertile and clean ecosystem.


Finite resource extraction causes 90% of global biodiversity loss. Yet, regenerative cycles are limitless.


By displacing people from natural ecosystems, our species is deprived of a functioning sanctuary and optimal wellbeing.


Safeguarding Earth's vital phenomena can be financially and environmentally prosperous.


Are you ready to make healing our ecosystem your business?

about US

Who on Earth ARE WE?

We are a small team of seasoned consultants in alliance with a web of cultural advisors and industry mentors - from the buzzing metropoles of Eurasia to the vast archipelagoes of the Pacific.

The purpose of our work is to safeguard Earth's biosphere. We do this through regenerative business development, founded on sincere global relationships.

We address global social and environmental priorities through strategic services for economic growth, from a grassroots village approach. Made possible by ICT Oceania PTY LTD., in partnership with federal governments, local community orgs, industry sponsors and program participants.

Our programs are off-grid, lead by ecological phenomena and the priorities of community partners - not dictated by a marketing calendar or sales KPI's.


What we do

Bewilder Vital Ventures™ is an evolution of the Bewilder Eco Incubator and Wild Enterprise sustainable business programs, facilitated across Asia Pacific from 2015 - 2019. Each education and training series is responsively designed to equip rural community leaders with technical knowledge, resources and global market opportunities to operate and grow a business that addresses an immediate biological need.

By uniting disparate cultures in ecologically rich environments with a technical business agenda, viable regenerative solutions can be conceived.

Vital Ventures™ delivers beyond previous Bewilder initiatives, with the digital accelerator pathway. This opportunity is for outstanding founders who are ready to operate online, who complete a comprehensive business plan during the incubator program.


Let's Collaborate

Connect with us to discuss working together in a wild pursuit.

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Global Projects